The Insight restaurant

The Insight is Delicatessen restaurant located on the 84th floor of the OKO tower.

Multimedia technologies

• 3000+ controlled light sources
• Dynamic stage light
• 2 LED screens
• 3d video projection on parametric wall
• Video projection on columns
• Columns with translucent concrete with LED screens inside
• Walls decorations with controlled LEDs matrixes
• Controlled LEDs strips

To open a restaurant it was necessary to create scripts for different states of space, replacing each other.
A detailed timing was created that describes the change in all light sources, projections and content for screens. Based on the script, content was created for the screens and projections, and accordingly the lighting was synchronized.

The constituent parts of the content were made in such a way that they can be used or changed depending on the event.
It is also possible to interactively run short scenarios for the accents of the event (eg flash of sparks, explosion, span of petals, etc.).

For more pictures check instagram.

Istanbul, Turkey