Time Arrows

The main idea of ​​the installation is that we can browse through the different periods of the development of Russia’s railways, learn about the history and see the statistics.

The installation includes a spinning table with a projection of the interface, a projection on the floor and 8 projection screens around the table. A visitor can choose the historical period by rotating the table. When the time period is selected the corresponding map appears on the table and the video for the corresponding period is shows on the screens.

I did art directing, supervising and managing the project. I developed user interaction scripts and the table interface based on the requirements from the customer. I’ve directed the content creation of the historical videos. As for the content, more than 10 historically authentic 3D models of the trains have been made. There where based on historical drawings and recommendations of specialists.

Installation was made for Russian Railway Museum. There were 180K visitors during the first 100 days of work of the museum.

You can see installation in 360 panorama.


Istanbul, Turkey